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hua gang中文是什么意思

用"hua gang"造句"hua gang"怎么读"hua gang" in a sentence


  • 华岗


  • Hua gang and shandong university being good at literature and history
  • At the two sides of huang hua gang tombs , there stands many tombs of revolutionary martyrs such as fan hongtai , si jianru , deng zhongyuan , feng ru , and so on
  • At the two sides of huang hua gang tombs , there stands many tombs of revolutionary martyrs such as fan hongtai , si jianru , deng zhongyuan , feng ru , and so on
  • The famous huang hua gang stone tablet was inscribed with dr . sun yat - sen s handwritings of 1912 . visitors entering the park will first go by a bridge with no water flowing by , they naturally bow their heads down showing respect and condolence to the martyrs
  • The famous huang hua gang stone tablet was inscribed with dr . sun yat - sen s handwritings of 1912 . visitors entering the park will first go by a bridge with no water flowing by , they naturally bow their heads down showing respect and condolence to the martyrs
  • In march 1939 , more than 40 drama groups joined forces to present historical play huang hua gang . panel of directors included ouyang yuqian , hu chunbing , xie yan , huang ninglin , lou tuen , li jingbo , tan guoshi , while the complete crew numbered several hundred
    1939年3月,全港戏剧界40多个剧社剧团联合公演历史剧《黄花岗》 ,由欧阳予倩、胡春冰、夏衍、黄凝霖、卢敦、李景波、谭国始等组成导演团,共有数百工作人员。
用"hua gang"造句  
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